Europe Trip Diary entry #3

Hello everyone! My life here has slowed down slightly after the excitement of new places and new beginnings! Tamsin and I have been super busy and unfortunately haven't been able to spend much time up the mountain. I have also managed to catch a horrible cold so have spent my days off over the weekend recouperating which includes Netflix, hot chocolates and naps. Naps seem to be a very regular thing amongst the seasonaires here. Seasonaires are the people who stay and work here for the winter season. I have, since I last spoke to you managed to have a few nights out and enjoy the nightlife out here which is really good. I have also met a few really lovely people here and made some friends which makes this part of the world slightly less daunting and more like home. I have been away for a month today! That seems really crazy as I feel like it's gone so quickly. For those of you who didn't think I could survive out of the family home! I've made it this ...