Europe Trip Diary Entry #5 4th April, 2016

Hello everyone! How are we all? I hope you had a fantastic Easter. I understand Easter was over a week ago but I thought I would recall my Easter for those of you who care. I began my Easter morning in one of the most beautiful churches I've ever been in. Being in church on that Sunday morning brought a very melancholy feeling upon me. I sat in church all alone when I am used to spending every Easter in church with my family at home. Being in church made me miss my family more than ever however I realised that although I didn't understand the language (it was a French mass) nor did I know anyone I felt welcome there. I felt like we were all a family of people , accepting of each other despite us being a large variety of cultures and language we were all there together for the same reason. It felt very homely and made my Easter away from home a lot easier. I spent that next part of my day doing my food shopping and eating chocolate before going ...