Europe Trip Diary #8 29th April

So I leave once again! I have left my humble abode I have spent the last almost 2 weeks in. It was a sad departure as I left all the horses and the friends I have made in my short time here. I was gifted a collage of photos durring my time there and some chocolate from my good friend Federica. I was also gifted a jacket from my host family with their logo on which was so kind of them and will come in handy in New Zealand's rain. I genuinely adored my stay in Sardinia and had such a fantastic time. I loved being back with the horses and I was privileged to ride Getano a dressage horse almost everyday. He's gorgeous and huge. I looked like a dot on him but it was so nice to ride a horse with such fancy movements. I called him bambino cavallo which means baby horse in Italian as he is only young and loved to nibble on everything and was incredibly looky with everything. My time in Sardinia consisted of to much pizza for one to con...